.ASIA IDN Sunrise Policies

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* Attention: A critical update has been made to this policy. 

Summary of Corrections:
In the .Asia IDN Process Overview Table (Pg.1), under Sunrise 3, we mistakenly attributed "Official translated name of <ASCII>.ASIA to Sunrise 2a names" only, when it should be "Official translated name of <ASCII>.ASIA to Sunrise 2 names". (Ver 2.1, 04.19.2011)

Page 15, item 4.2.1, under "A Registered Domain Holder of an <ASCII>.ASIA Sunrise Domain is eligible to apply, IF it: 2. Has successfully registered a domain in the .ASIA Sunrise in the SR2a phase;" has been updated to "2. Has successfully registered a domain in the .ASIA Sunrise in the SR2 phase;" (Ver 2.2, 07.05.2011)

The updated document can be found here.

This document sets out the Sunrise policies and Landrush and Go-Live processes for the launch of IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) registrations in the .ASIA Registry. These policies and process are designed to ensure an orderly and equitable allocation of domains to qualified parties before the Registry is opened for general IDN registrations (i.e. Go-Live).

The tables in the attached file provide a brief overview of the .ASIA IDN Sunrise Process:


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1 Comment

A critical update has been made to this policy. Please see the "Attention" line at the top of this article.

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